Dr. Hoiby is the author of this little tool.
All Dr. Hoiby's Freewares are certified without Java, without .NET and without any Virtual Machine Code.
He can be reached at webmaster@dr-hoiby.com.
What is NetClipboard ?
NetClipboard allows you to share your clipbaord content with your buddies, over the local network.
The 'Start In' directory must contain the file "NetClipboard.ini"
The valid modifier keywords for the hotkeys are :
The valid key keywords for the hotkeys are :
- Back
- Tab
- Return
- Esc
- Space
- PgUp
- PgDn
- End
- Home
- Left
- Up
- Right
- Down
- PtScrn
- ScrLck
- Pause
- Ins
- Del
- Num0
- Num1
- Num2
- Num3
- Num4
- Num5
- Num6
- Num7
- Num8
- Num9
- NumLock
- '*'
- '+'
- '-'
- '/'
- F1
- F2
- F3
- F4
- F5
- F6
- F7
- F8
- F9
- F10
- F11
- F12
- F13
- F14
- F15
- F16
- F17
- F18
- F19
- F20
- F21
- F22
- F23
- F24