HobRes32 2.8.2 (NEW)
This freeware allows you to choose and change your current screen resolution. (Size,Color and REFRESH RATE). It works on MULTI-MONITOR, and with PORTRAIT monitor. Other features too. You can retrieve windows and desktop icons (icons only with win98) lost in the out of space or move an unreachable window. (For example drag 10 or more files on the desktop and you'll understand what I mean.)
CatchColor 1.0.11 (NEW)
It's a little Eyedropper. It's useful for to know the Hexa Value of a Pixel on the Screen. (and copy it in the clipboard).
OpenGL Infos 1.13
It's a little test of your OpenGL driver. (It displays some Informations about your driver too).
Windows Patch
Explorer Patch (256 colors TrayIcons)
Patch TrayIcon Windows: (You can now use 256 colors icon in your TrayBar).
HobComment Explorer Extension
Add/Edit comment for each of your directories.
HobComment XP Shell Extension
Add a column displaying the file/folder comments in Explorer.
Mouse Jail
It's a universal game patch for the multi-monitor users. During a fullscreen game, MouseJail captures the mouse into the primary monitor.
Who Lock Me ? 2.0
It's a little extension for your Microsoft Explorer. It permeets you to list all the process locking your selected file. Doesn't work on Win9x or WinMe
It's a very little tool who lock your windows if you click on it. It useful when you can't do 'CTRL-ALT-DEL', for exemple when you are using VNC and than you want lock a distant PC.
ATI Wonder Remote - BSPlayer Plug'In
Controls BSPLayer with your ATI Wonder Remote.
GoTo Shared v1.0
Display your Shared Folders and Open it when you Double Click on it.
SVNSync v1.4
Extract ".svn" sub-directories to a common directory "\@SVN\" and synchronise SVN thru NTFS junctions.
SVNSync Explorer Extension v1.0.2
SVNSync Front-End for Explorer.
Visual Studio 6.0 Addin
Hob New Project Wizard v1.0
Replacement for Visual Studio 6 'New Project...' Wizard.
WinCRC v1.2
Computes a Crc32 from a string and push the result into the ClipBoard.
FolderContextMenuEx v1.0
Explorer Extension : Displays Folder Context Menu Items into Background Context Menu.
LockComputerOnBoot v1.1
Lock your Computer Just After Boot. Use it to accelerate the boot time.
SimpleShot v1.0
Captures Entire screen, or active window to Disk.
NetClipboard v1.0
Send/Receive Clipboard Content over local network.
NoWinKey v1.0.2 (NEW)
Prevents the start menu from being opened when the Win Key is pressed.
ClipboardCleaner v1.0.0 (NEW)
Remove clipboard content's text formatting.